Project name: Music, Art and Drama in Europe together (M.A.D.E. together)

Project number: 2018-1-DE03-KA229-047217  – “Music, Art and Drama in Europe together”

Duration: 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2020

Coordinator: Wilhelm-Busch-Schule (Germany)

Financed by: Erasmus Plus programme – Cooperation for innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (KA229)

Partners: SCOALA PRIMARA LORELAY (Romania); Istituto Comprensivo Pinerolo V Cumiana (Italy); 6th Primary School of Karditsa (Greece);

The Erasmus+ inter-school partnership project, “Music, Art and Drama in Europe together (M.A.D.E. together),” aims to promote inclusion, tolerance, and contribute to the development of skills and competencies through artistic expressions because:

  1. a) The atmosphere created by music enhances memorization, develops positive emotions, and reduces anxiety in learners.
  2. b) Music and songs not only reflect culture but also allow the acquisition of language (e.g., vocabulary, grammar) and are useful in familiarizing with the beliefs, values, norms, and attitudes of different cultures.
  3. c) Rhythmic movements, dance steps, and gestures express an emotion or feeling or illustrate a specific life event.
  4. d) Art stimulates learners to freely express their potential and imagination.
  5. e) The roles played in theatrical performances allow the combination of song, dance, music, narration, and stage design.
  6. f) Observing the roots of music from ancient theater to modern opera helps us realize that we share common roots and a common European culture. The chosen theme involves the approach to multiple intelligences theory, especially the musical, kinesthetic, or spatial ones, in the educational process, used to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge in main disciplines. For example, music can be used to learn mathematics, Romanian language, or physical education more easily. Let’s not forget that the use of music at a young age inhibits inhibition and brings satisfaction or characteristic energy. So why not use energy and satisfaction to enhance the learning process of other disciplines? In this way, children realize the importance of these subjects, which are usually relegated to the background.

Throughout the two years of the project, primary school students have learned traditional songs and dances from partner countries, participated in theatrical plays, and engaged in visual arts activities. They have been the main actors of the project and have been directly involved in activities through the eTwinning platform, in student mobilities, and in online meetings we organized due to travel restrictions during the pandemic. Materials, activities, songs, and dances were posted on the eTwinning page and on the project’s website and the website of each participating school. Digital resources will be created, in the form of e-books for visual arts, dance, songs, and drama. Thus, any interested teacher will be able to use these materials in classroom work. The short-term impact of the project already provides results. Students are highly motivated to participate in all activities and now truly understand the role of learning a foreign language as a common language of communication, in addition to how easily music helps them communicate with their peers. Parents have been delighted, stating that their children are more involved in activities than ever, and they see the importance of this long-term project in the development of children. Teachers consider mobility meetings as opportunities to identify new working methods with children.

An important moment of the project was the visit of partner teachers to our school. The time spent with our students was marked by an artistic event, held at the “Palatul Copiilor” in Iași. According to the objectives and tasks set within the program, students, together with all the teachers involved in the project, offered parents and visitors a music and dance show inspired by the folklore of partner states. For the first time, students were accompanied by a quintet of students from the Conservatory of Iași, conducted by Marco Rubino from Italy. Also, the children’s choir was conducted by representatives of partner countries. The show was a success, motivating the children to continue making efforts and preparing for the next moment in Italy.

A fragment of the show can be watched here: [link to the YouTube video]

In May 2019, 12 students from Lorelay, accompanied by teachers, went to Italy to the school in Cumiana, near Turin, and in September 2019 to Karditsa, Greece.


În luna mai 2019, 12 elevi din Lorelay, însoțiți de cadre didactice, au fost în Italia la școala din Cumiana, în apropiere de Torino, iar în septembrie 2019 în Karditsa, Grecia.

Link-uri cu diseminarea proiectului pe internet:

Ziarul de Iasi/știri

Manifestare la nivel internațional

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Școala din Karditsa Grecia partener în Proiectul “Music, Art and Drama in Europe together”–213464.html–213472.html

Co-founded by the European Union Proiect Music...
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