The scent of linden flowers is spread throughout the city. It can be sensed everywhere in the air, on the street, in the classroom, beneath the heart, triumphantly covering a damp, bitter smell (I say, of snails – disgusting, which very few people recognize… Do you know how snails smell after rain? A mix of dampness and mustiness).

From the school attic, a warm but firm, coherent, fluent, and slightly humorous tone is heard… and no, it’s not in Romanian; it’s a blend of English with a touch of Spanish, belonging to our trainer, Azael Herrero… This week, we strengthen our convictions in a course on #gamification, not clarification but GAMIFICATION. Exactly! What we lack in this world of education, but which, of course, I see changing. There are, I believe, or I like to think, many of us who practice #gamification intuitively but without laying the foundations for a “by-the-book” project. I can say that I rediscovered myself through this course because I realized, for I don’t know how many times, that everything I do, I do well, and I would like anyone to find this satisfaction—it’s amazing to know that all your work is rewarded. I will certainly tell you about my project and the students’ project “The Smurf Business,” which I did intuitively, without knowing that it is actually GAMIFICATION.

I have to conclude… a burst of noise rises; it’s my students coming from sports class, very excited, and armed with many questions, I quote: Miss, is it the last hour? Miss, what time will we have? Miss, you wrote without looking… AAA (that “aha!”), Miss, why are you writing all these things? A pile of little hands and eyes gather behind me… What are you doing here?, Miss today I have to pick up my sister too because grandpa is coming… the sound of water… Hey, don’t say anything, miss is writing… hehe… You’re funny! Miss,…

Parfumul florilor de tei
„Iar în păr, înfiorate,
Or să-ți cadă flori de tei.”